Case studies of:
resolving relationship trauma
loss of friendships
abuse traumas
work issues
school issues & weight loss
What people are saying…
“I booked my first session because I really felt at breaking point and I didn't know how to change feeling like that. I thought I should be able to cope and deal with anything and everything life throws at me but Nikki helped me see it's ok to be sad or not ok with something, to actually face the feeling rather than push it down until my body has had enough. Not only did she explain so amazingly what I'm doing to my body by doing this but how to change it and exercises to do to help. There are so many other things she has helped me with with only two sessions and I'm actually amazed at the difference in myself and how I think and feel about things now, so different than before learning these skills. She is so lovely to talk to, makes you feel comfortable, makes you feel normal. I can't recommend Nikki enough. For me, I felt like it was quite a big deal to make the decision to have an appointment and actually book it but now I wish I had done it sooner! The benefits are soo many with just learning a few small ways of changing certain behaviour."
— Mrs G - Zoom call
“Just wanted you to know what a difference your session last night has made already made to me. Today at work i've just felt at peace inside, its like i've taken a step back from it all. its the first time in a long time i've arrived home from work and just felt content inside and not conflicted in my mind over it all. I normally just cant settle. really looking forward to my next session.”
— Ms. F - Zoom Call
"I started this journey expecting one outcome and gained another. I thought I was doing it for someone else and realised I needed it for myself, to help not just 'someone else' but all who surround me. I started the second session thinking I didn't know where I would go but Nikki asked me the questions that gave it direction. I've experienced benefits so much more far reaching than I could have dreamed. This has truly been life changing for my family and I. I think the most important and profound thing these sessions have taught me is that its in my power to help my children be a generation of emotionally mature adults. That is so empowering and has value beyond gold..”
— Mrs F - Zoom Call
Thank you Nikki for helping me find peace and calmness, not only in dealing with the grief of losing my mum but more importantly to me, letting go of the resentment of never having a loving mother/daughter relationship with her. The session took me away from my way of seeing her and helped me understand her life, thinking and feelings. This has helped me remember her with warmth rather than resentment.
Mrs D - Zoom call
I had been experiencing terrible anxiety since being a teenager after having been in a very controlling relationship. Nikki did a NLP technique with me, amongst other things, that really helped with the anxiety I was experiencing. I really feel I have benefitted from Nikki & the NLP therapy.
Mrs. G - Zoom call
I have had a lot of counselling and therapy but this one, I would say has brought about the most change. I was abused when I was 5 but because I could not remember the act happening I felt a fraud. Nikki was able to help me make peace with what happened. It was interesting and, not wanting to sound OTT, life changing. I would very much recommend Nikki. Her presentation is professional but yet builds rapport, which must be very hard to do over zoom. Thank you very much Nikki, I don't have to carry that burden any more.
Mr. G - Zoom call
This was the right kind of support at exactly the right time. Along with the sessions came so much relief and hope. They were a safe place to express feelings that seemed insurmountable and immovable for a long time. I truly needed that. Now, instead of feeling stuck and overwhelmed, I can work with those feelings when they come up and be more compassionate with myself. I am deeply grateful.
Miss E - Zoom Call
Your sessions came at the right time! I was emotionally in a very bad place. Right at the very first session I had an epiphany with the self-love issue! You challenged me effectively by the homework, which I tried to do to the best of my knowledge and belief. The sessions were very practical! You helped me to look forward....really forward. I've been doing my eating plan for two weeks now and lately went over to a friends house. She served some tea and cake...and I was not intrigued in the least bit because I used the technique we had discussed...I've lost six pounds in those two weeks..and every time I step on the scale I try doing the other exercise just to be prepared. I do communicate with myself more often and I've been telling my closest friends about your advice as well. Thank you again for your immeasurable gift!
Mrs V (Germany) -Zoom call
Thank you for seeing my daughter so quickly. You were so kind and gentle, you gave her time, guided her and your questioning was sensational. You have made a massive shift and helped her to see things differently. I just cannot thank you enough.
Mrs L - zoom call with 11 yr old with Mum in the room
Nikki, after my 1st session I already feel an improvement. You really helped me bring a bit of focus into my life and see where I can make some adjustments. I already feel calmer and more positive going forward. Thank you so much!
Mrs. S - Zoom call
I just wanted to say thank you again for our session. I feel very good today, very much like a weights been lifted and I feel clearer today. Whatever you did has had a good effect. I feel much more relaxed which is not something I get very often!
Mr. N - zoom call
I am feeling so good since our session. The appointment helped me was like my mind was so unorganised and messy. But today I feel like I can think again, I have been able to focus and have deep thoughts, it feels so good. Everything feels so much more organised in my mind! Thank you Nikki
Mrs. A - Zoom call
Thanks a lot for your session with me today. I feel truly connected to myself right now and as if a weight has lifted off of my shoulders. Going into the work with the body is a really different experience than trying to grasp something through logic. It can be a lot easier to work like this! You have showed me some aspects of my grief I didn't appreciate before and that helps me move forward and cherish what my loved one left for me. Thank you for responding to my boundaries so well and honouring when I told you. I felt safe with you and your calm guidance.
Ms P - Zoom call (Germany)
Thank you so much for today - because of what happened to me last week I felt the wind had been taken out my I feel like its firmly back! Thanks so much again!
Mrs C - Face to Face session
Three are magical! I feel sooooo much better thank you. With so much going on with my girls and struggling to place all the changes, I feel now a weight has been lifted and I can think more clearly. Fantastic!
Mrs G - telephone call
Dealing with the pain of separation, caring for two children by myself and starting a business often left me feeling overwhelmed. My last conversation with you was like refilling the windscreen wiper fluid..I can see much clearer now. Seeing how much of my experience is in my hands when I focus on the things I can control. Its such a relief to see that I can do this. Driving feels safer now. Thank you so much
Ms. N (Germany) - Zoom Call
I was nervous about starting therapy and kept putting it off but Nikki made me feel very at ease and helped me work through my feelings of low self worth and wanting to change how I react or cope with difficult situations. I didn't realise how emotions have a physical effect on the body and how speaking to yourself nicely can make such a difference!
Ms. C - Zoom calls
I was invited to an event and I got asked to describe myself in one word. What came to me was; Happy! I haven't been described as this for years but now I feel like I'm coming back to myself and that feels really great and I wanted say 'Thank You'.
Ms. A - Zoom Call