Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Self-Care/Mum Journey

That NLP exercise was so powerful. I left the session feeling really calm and more centred.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Relationships/Life choices

It feels like all these things in my life has ‘cleared’ up. It is exciting to be guilt-free!

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward


Our last session really struck a cord…and it became really clear what I needed to let go of.

It was crystal clear what I actually WANTED to do.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward


Testimonial after 4 sessions:

I saw an almost instant improvement in my self worth….

NLP is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Anxiety/Controlling relationship

Testimonial after 2 zoom sessions:

Honestly, its been such a blessing to be able to speak and work with you. Its definitely made me think differently.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Abuse/Family Issues

Testimonial after 3 zoom sessions:

Thank you for helping me make peace with what happened….It was interesting and, not wanting to sound OTT, life-changing.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Relationship with Self

Testimonial after 3 zoom sessions:

Happy! I haven't been described as this for years but now I feel like I'm coming back to myself and that feels really great

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Relationship with Self

Testimonial after 2 zoom sessions:

I was nervous about starting therapy and kept putting it off but Nikki made me feel very at ease

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Life Changes/Relationship Stuckness

Testimonial after 3 zoom sessions:

Dealing with the pain of separation, caring for two children by myself and starting a business often left me feeling overwhelmed

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Mum Journey

Testimonial after 1 phone session:

Three are magical! I feel now a weight has been lifted and I can think more clearly

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Relationship Stuckness

Testimonial after 2 sessions:

I felt the wind had been taken out my I feel like its firmly back!

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Grief and Loss

Testimonial after 1 zoom session:

Thank you for responding to my boundaries so well and honouring when I told you. I felt safe with you and your calm guidance

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Friendship Loss

Testimonial after 1 zoom session:

It was like my mind was so unorganised and messy, but today I feel like I can think again

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward


Testimonial after 1 zoom session:

I feel very good today, very much like a weights been lifted and I feel clearer

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Relationship with Self

Testimonial after 1 zoom session:

After my 1st session I already feel an improvement. You really helped me bring a bit of focus into my life

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Anxiety with School

Testimonial after 1 zoom session:

You were so kind and gentle, you gave her time, guided her and your questioning was sensational.

You have made a massive shift.

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Rebekah Hayward Rebekah Hayward

Weight Loss

Testimonial after 6 zoom sessions:

I was emotionally in a very bad place.

Right at the very first session I had an epiphany with the self-love issue!

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 Let go of what weighs you down

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